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Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 1983 - 2012.
Preliminary Archaeological Reports

Archaeological Excavation Report

Cheia | Commune: Grădina | County: Constanţa | Site: Vatra Satului, Pazvant I şi Pazvant II | Excavation Year: 2017

Excavation Year   2017
Late Medieval Age (14th - 18th cent.)
Medieval Age
Site Category
Religious, Ritual and Funerary;
Site Types
Urban settlement;
Map it   Find it on the Romanian map
County / District  Constanţa
Locality   Cheia
Commune    Grădina
Site  Vatra Satului, Pazvant I şi Pazvant II
Site Sector
Site name   
Persons involved and Institutions
Last nameFirst nameroleInstitution
Bălășescu Adrian Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României
Frumosu Iulian Marian Universitatea "Ovidius", Constanţa
Georghian Gheorghe Alin Universitatea "Ovidius", Constanţa
Măiță Mihaela Universitatea "Ovidius", Constanţa
Marian Tudor Ionuț Universitatea "Ovidius", Constanţa
Palamiuc Ștefan Universitatea "Ovidius", Constanţa
Pantelimon Răzvan Facultatea de Istorie și Științe Politice, Universitatea „Ovidius” Constanța
Popescu Anca Institutul de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan", Bucureşti
Radu Valentin Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României
Szmoniewski Bartłomiej Soka University, Tokyo
Vasile Gabriel Institutul de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan", Bucureşti
Voinea Valentina-Mihaela Muzeul de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie Constanţa
National Arch. Record Site Code 63018.02 63018.07 63018.08
Report Obiectivele cercetării: Săpăturile arheologice efectuate în anul 2017 pe şantierul arheologic Cheia au continuat cercetările arheologice din cadrul proiectului româno-polon Central Dobrudja - Landscape Changes and Human-Environment Interactions from Neolithic to Middle Ages, având următoarele obiective:
- cercetarea în suprafaţă a complexelor arheologice Hamangia C.37 şi C.38 surprinse în sondajul S.N./2016 din punctul Cheia Vatra Satului;
- delimitarea aşezării medievale de epocă otomană (sec XVI – XVII) din punctul Cheia Pazvant II prin efectuarea unor prospecţiuni de teren în zona Văii Chirişlic, până la izvor;
- cercetarea unor complexe funerare din necropola Cheia Pazvant I;
- analiza arheozoologică a resturilor osteologice din complexele C.37 şi C.38, punct Cheia Vatra Satului şi a lotului faunistic din aşezarea de epocă otomană din punctul Cheia Pazvant II;
- analiza antropologică a unor schelete descoperite în necropola Cheia Pazvant I.
Abstract other lang.
Abstract   The archaeological excavations carried out in 2017 in the archeological complex in Cheia continued the archaeological research of the Central Dobrudja in the frame of the Romanian-Polish project “Landscape Changes and Human-Environment Interactions from Neolithic to Middle Ages”. Cheia – Vatra Satului The previous geophysical investigation in the site located in Cheia – Vatra Satului has signaled the concentration of the archeological materials north of the control trench S.N. / 2016. Therefore, for a complete investigation of the archeological complexes C. 37 and C. 38, the control trench S.N. / 2016 has extended. In the southern part, the trench size has increased from 0,5 m to the limit of private property with a surface area of 4,5 x 10 m (Pl. 1, 2), reaching S.N. section. The surface was divided into two separated sectors with each surface area of 5 x 4,5 m. The large archeological complex C. 37 (discovered in 2016) was investigated in the southern part of the second sector at a depth of 0,50 / 0,65 m. The chronology of the feature corresponds to the Hamangia Culture sequence. It had an oval shape (4,5 x 5 m). The last habitation sequence sunken deep in the loess up 1,83 – 2,00 m. (Pl. 3,4) was investigated (US 3142). The fill of the feature was an admixture of the dark-gray earth with ash, charcoals, daub chunks, bones of mammals (Bos taurus), bones of birds, fish bones, steppe turtle shells fragments, freshwater mussels (Unio, Anodonta and Cardium). Some of the shells have traces of ornament processing. Others finds included a large amount
of the pottery fragments (Pl. 5, 10, 11), Spondylus pearl (Pl. 19), bone perforators (Pl. 19), limestone hammer-like tool (Pl. 18), whetstone, silex microlites, flakes and end-scraper (Pl. 16, 17), stone chisel-like tool, fragment of stone ax (Pl. 18) and a fragment of an idol. The analysis of the archeological layers allowed interpreting this feature as a storage annex of the bigger dwelling in close relation with archeological complex C. 38. Complex C. 38 - investigated in sector st. 1, located near the feature C. 37 belongs to the same Hamangia chronological sequence - appeared at the same depth – 0,50 / 0,60 m, below the abandonment level U.S. 3142 (Pl. 6 / 3). The fill of this feature contained pieces of charcoal, a large amount of the bones of the animals (Bos taurus), pottery fragments from large barbotine vessels, silex blades and bone waste-processing. In the southern cross-section, traces of fireplaces were observed (Pl. 6 / 1). Other traces of possible fireplace were investigated in middle of the first sector (Pl. 6 / 2). A large number of bones with traces of cutting, the rests of fireplaces suggest that this area was used for meat cutting and further processing. Cheia – Pazvant I & II The research carried out along the Casimcea Valley in the area between Grădina and Casian revealed new sites. The most significant is a the rural settlement (Cheia - Pazvant II) dated to the Ottoman Period (XVI - XVII century) and cemetery (Pazvant I), both located on the left bank of Casimcea River, in a hilly pasture area known by locals as the Pazvant Hill (V. Voinea et al., 2015). In the cemetery, one grave M. 9 has been investigated. As in previously excavated graves, a skeleton (child) has been located under the concentration of the stones in this case without inventory. In the settlement area to better, recognize its possible dimension field survey was realized along Chirişlic stream (Pl. 8/1). In this investigated area, Hamagia and Gumelniţa Cultures pottery fragments (Pl. 20 / 1), silex tools (Pl. 20 / 2) as well as fragments of Ottoman pottery and a silver ring belongs to the same chronological stage (Pl. 20 / 4) were discovered.
Bibliography V. Radu, 2008 - V. Radu, Studiul materialului faunistic (moluşte, peşti, ţestoase şi păsări) prelevat din nivelul Hamangia III de la Cheia (jud. Constanţa), Pontica, 41, 2008, p. 57-64. V. Voinea et al., 2014 – V. Voinea, O. Grigoruţă, C. Cărpuş, Hard animal material adornments discovered in Hamangia settlement from Cheia / Podoabe din materii dure animale descoperite în aşezarea Hamangia de la Cheia, In M. Mărgărit, G. Le Dosseur, A. Averbouh (eds.), An overview of the exploitation of hard animal materials during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic/ O privire asupra exploatării materiilor dure animale de-a lungul neoliticului şi calcoliticului, Proceedings of the GDRE PREHISTOS Work-Session in Târgovişte, România, November 2013 Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte, p. 101-136. V. Voinea et al., 2015 - V. Voinea, B. Szmoniewski, A. Popescu, A. Mototolea, M. Florea, The rural landscape in Dobrudja in the Ottoman Period. New discoveries from Cheia Pazvant sites, county Constanţa, Romania, Journal of Aegean and Balkan Studies, vol I/2, 2015, p. 155 – 200.
Bibliographic notes
Source   Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România
Editor   INP
Language   RO

Copyright: the authors of the reports and the National Heritage Institute, CIMEC, 2018.
Coordinating: Bogdan Şandric. Documentary - analysts: Iuliana Damian, Oana Borlean, Adriana Vîlcu. Consultant: Irina Oberländer Târnoveanu. ASP, HTML design: Cosmin Miu