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Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 1983 - 2012.
Preliminary Archaeological Reports

Archaeological Excavation Report

Foieni | County: Satu Mare | Site: Kerekto | Excavation Year: 2001

Excavation Year   2001
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County / District  Satu Mare
Locality   Foieni
Commune   Foieni
Site  Kerekto
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Németi János Site director Muzeul Municipal Carei
National Arch. Record Site Code 137737.08
Report Aici a fost efectuată o săpătură de salvare pentru un şanţ al Romtelecom. Pe marginea stângă a drumului Foieni - Berea a fost trasată S. I (12 x 2,5 m) pentru a dezveli o groapă din epoca neolitică. Aceasta aparţinea grupului Pişcolt, conţinând ceramică specifică pictată cu o substanţă bituminoasă.
Abstract other lang.
Abstract   A rescue excavation for a Romtelecom ditch was undertaken on this location. On the left side of the road Foieni-Berea was opened the section S. I (12 x 2,5 m), in order to uncover a Neolithic pit belonging to the Piscolt group, with typical pottery, painted with a bituminous substance.
Bibliographic notes
Source   Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România
Editor   CIMEC
Language   RO

Copyright: the authors of the reports and the National Heritage Institute, CIMEC, 2018.
Coordinating: Bogdan Şandric. Documentary - analysts: Iuliana Damian, Oana Borlean, Adriana Vîlcu. Consultant: Irina Oberländer Târnoveanu. ASP, HTML design: Cosmin Miu