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Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 1983 - 2012.
Preliminary Archaeological Reports

Archaeological Excavation Report

Istria | County: Constanţa | Excavation Year: 2015

Excavation Year   2015
Early Roman period (1st cent. BC - 1st cent. AD);
Late Roman period (2nd - 4th cent.)
Early Roman Period;
Late Roman Period
Site Category
Religious, Ritual and Funerary;
Site Types
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County / District  Constanţa
Locality   Istria
Commune   Istria
Site Sector RTS
Site name   Histria
Persons involved and Institutions
Last nameFirst nameroleInstitution
Angelescu Mircea Site director Institutul de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan", Bucureşti
Nastasi Irina Muzeul de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie Constanţa
National Arch. Record Site Code 62039.01
Abstract other lang.
Abstract   The 2014 campaign led to the opening of a new research sector, aiming to collect new data on the city walls of the city (in
this case the Early Roman fortification). On the other hand we expect discoveries that will allow us to define the main aspects of
the urbanism of the early Roman city – the major circulation axes of the city in the area connected to the Early Roman Gate I and the plan of this quarter. The excavation of Section 1 shows modern interventions and many pits that are affecting the stratigraphy. The building discovered (C1) has the same orientation as the
fortification and in its exterior an access to the wall was discovered.
In a second phase a stone wall was endorsed to this building.
Bibliographic notes
Source   Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România
Editor   INP
Language   RO
Chronicle of the Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 2015 Campaign. Report no. 20, Istria.<br /> Sector Sector-RTS.<br /><a href='CronicaCAfotografii/2015/020-Istria/Sector-RTS/pl-ii-rts.jpg' target=_blank>Display the same picture in a new window</a> Chronicle of the Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 2015 Campaign. Report no. 20, Istria.<br /> Sector Sector-RTS.<br /><a href='CronicaCAfotografii/2015/020-Istria/Sector-RTS/pl-i-rts.jpg' target=_blank>Display the same picture in a new window</a>

Copyright: the authors of the reports and the National Heritage Institute, CIMEC, 2018.
Coordinating: Bogdan Şandric. Documentary - analysts: Iuliana Damian, Oana Borlean, Adriana Vîlcu. Consultant: Irina Oberländer Târnoveanu. ASP, HTML design: Cosmin Miu