Oarda | Comuna: mun. Alba Iulia | Judeţ: Alba | Punct: Cutina | Anul: 2016
Neolitic, eneolitic, tranziţie la bronz;Epoca bronzului;La Tène târziu
La Tène târziu;
Eneolitic târziu;
Epoca bronzului timpuriu
Tipuri de sit:
Aşezare deschisă
mun. Alba Iulia
Persoane implicate și instituții:
Nume Prenume Rol Instituție
Burlacu-Timofte Raluca Universitatea "Babeş - Bolyai", Cluj-Napoca
Ciugudean Horia responsabil Muzeul Naţional al Unirii, Alba Iulia
Hansen Svend Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, Germany
Kalmbach Johannes Roemish-Germanischen Kommission, Germany
Rustoiu Gabriel Muzeul Naţional al Unirii, Alba Iulia
Uhnér Claes Roemish-Germanischen Kommission, Germany
Cod RAN:

Oarda - Cutina is situated on the east bank of the Sebeş River, about 3 km upstream from where Sebeş meet the Mureş River. The settlement is situated on a gently sloping 15 ha river terrace used for agriculture, and is delimitated by a steep ravine in the west. The southern side is open and leads into a valley (Pl. 1/1). This site is 600 m south-south-east from the Bulza spot identified at the end of the 20th c...entury by G. T. Rustoiu .(nota 212) Previous visits to the site have found Gáva ceramics. Coţofeni, Dacian and additional Gáva ceramics were collected during field walking of the recently ploughed fields in October 2016. Geomagnetic prospection. The site was surveyed by G. Bălan and R. Burlacu-Timofte from the National Museum of the Union in Alba Iulia, and C. Uhnér and J. Kalmbach from the Romano-Germanic Commission in Frankfurt on the 29th of October 2016. The prospection was conducted with a 5-channel SENSYS MAGNETO®-MX ARCH magnetometer with the sensors mounted in 50 cm intervals on a hand-drawn 2 m wide fiberglass carriage. A Leica DGPS was used for geo-referencing with the rover on the magnetometer. Data acquisition was made with RTK fix with a positional accuracy of (±0.02/±0.02m). Primary data processing and interpolation was performed on the SENSYS MonMX, DLMGPS and MAGNETO® - ARCH software package, and post-processing with Oasis montage 8. Further analysis and generation of the maps presented here were made in QGIS 2.14. The area surveyed in Oarda has the shape of a T, measuring 590 x 40 m in an east – west direction in the north, and extending 270 x 85 m to the south. The northern section starts at an access road running along the ravine in the east and extends across the terrace to the river. The southern section extends over a small road and ends in a field sloping upwards towards a low hill. The surveyed areas have a combined size of 3.2 ha (Pl. 1/2). The northern east – west section has three concentrations of anomalies. The first is as 85 m wide concentration at the western edge, close to the Sebeş River, followed by a less dense 140 m wide area that starts about 90 m east of the first concentration. This second area merges into another dense, 190 m wide concentration of anomalies in the eastern part of the surveyed area. The north – south section has a 100 x 40 m anomaly field in the northern part of the section. The southern part of the section has only scattered anomalies (Pl. 1/3). Evaluation of data. As only parts of the river terrace have been surveyed it is not possible to assess the scale of prehistoric habitation and activities on the site, nor is it possible to determine which anomalies are contemporary. Most anomalies have nanotesla values around or below 3 nT, which together with their shapes and sizes may indicate pits and pit-buildings. Some anomalies have values of more than 6 nT, possibly indicating various fire installations. Apart from the largely empty southernmost survey area, Oarda – Cutina has rather high numbers of anomalies. But as ceramics from several different time-periods have been collected, it is possible that the site had several phases of low density occupation. Oarda - Cutina occupies a naturally well defended position as the site is protected by the Sebeş River and a deep ravine. The site is only open towards the south, and it would have been cost-effective to fortify a large area by joining the river and the ravine with a fortification. No indication of such a construction can however be seen on the magnetogram. Objectives for next year. The aim for 2017 is to continue the geomagnetic survey towards the north in order to assess the extent of settlement activities at the site and determine if the site was fortified.

Note Bibliografice:

212-G. T. Rustoiu, O aşezare inedită aparţinând bronzului târziu de la Oarda-“Bulza” (mun. Alba Iulia). Câteva consideraţii culturale şi cronologice privind bronzul târziu în bazinul mijlociu al Mureşului, în Apulum 37/1, 2000, p. 161-175.

Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România